Dear Customer, Please be informed that your order has been dispatched by TNT express. Enclosed Attached you will find the delivery documents.
Hanan Bohadana Gateway- Import Customer Service customs agent Operation Department TNT Express LTD.
Address for sending original paperwork:
Note: For shipments outside of the EU, it is highly recommended to include the actual invoice of the goods. – Make sure you have read the TNT Terms & Conditions attached to this email. By signing the consignment notes, you confirm that you agree to the TNT Terms & Conditions. – Hand the signed copies of the consignment note to the TNT Express driver, keep the Sender copy for your records. – Leave the shipment open for TNT Express driver to inspect. As your order has been processed automatically, it is not necessary to contact TNT Express Customer Service by telephone.
If you would like to find out about the many ways TNT helps you to track your shipment, or if you would like to know more about the services provided by TNT, simply connect to and select your location at any time.
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